I began writing “Waiting for My King” on Christmas Eve in the village of Tuum, Samburu…It was quiet, except for the wind coming over the mountain late that night. All I had was the pretty guitar intro & the first line, “I am waiting for a King.”
In a few months, the first verse & chorus came like a flood & I wrote like crazy putting it on paper. The message of this song was so good, I could hardly wait to complete & record it…need I say, I was really excited!
But hard as I tried, the song simply stopped.
There was a complete year of Absolutely Nothing lyric or melody wise! Though I thought on the song often, it was like staring at a blank wall. Writer’s block? Maybe, but look deeper. Jesus was helping me to experience the reality of what & why He gave me the song in the first place.
Then, one afternoon while fetching water, out of the blue, came the 2nd verse, starting with…
Wait for it…
“I’m impatient…”
Considering the title, it made me laugh out loud!
Jesus has a much bigger sense of humor than we give Him credit for!
So many of the songs on this album came from deep study of God’s Word, spending time in prayer and seeing the Lord supernaturally rescue me from deadly peril, pretty much every day of the four years we lived in Kenya. It was an amazing wilderness experience, when you are far removed from the noise and chaos of the world, faced with the silence, there the Lord is faithful to meet you, guide you and love you into an intimate relationship. He is King, He is Lord, He is Friend & Defender….and so much more. How blessed to have had that time with such dear people who I think of and pray for often. Definitely not what I had planned, but am so very grateful for the time I spent with our Kenyan brothers and sisters. Supa!