I believe I was born singing, that is once the doc unwrapped the umbilical cord from my wee neck. Those many years ago, my tiny face was blue as William Wallace and his warrior’s as they took to the battle fields of Scotland to win their precious freedom.
Fighting for my very first breath, that same deep longing that pulsed though their veins, an inexpressible ache that no one, nor event, nor thing can possibly fill, reverberated in the depths of my soul. In all my years, I lived, breathed, ate and slept…Music…until one fleeting event took it all away. What I believed I was born to do, my earthly rock, which brought great value and wonderful joy, had crumbled, like dust blown to the four winds.
Truly it takes a brave soul to navigate the complexities of this life, the loss of dreams and loved ones, the turmoil and constant barrage of bad news. Yet, despite all this, we don’t have to forge this battle alone…there is a glorious hope, one that gave me new life, a new voice and a new song to share.
You see, we can believe in a lot of things…but when it comes right down to it, eternity, I mean, what matters most is who you believe in! His name is Jesus, He said He was God, He proved He was God, and the world hated Him so much, they carried out God’s plan of Salvation through the only Savior who loved us enough to give His life for you and me.
Jesus rescued me when I flat lined at 16, and life has never been the same. Traveling Scotland, Africa, across continents and borders, here are musical paintings, a riot of color to lift the darkness of a dreary world…
May these melodic portraits lead you to the one who is calling to you now….
”Run to Him, Just the way you are… He loves you, surrender to His love…for that’s God’s plan!”
I’ve always loved the piano & finally in Florida, was able to purchase a lovely 2nd hand instrument…a 1912 Steger & Sons upright grand. The sound was amazing & I really miss being able to plunk down in front of it, seeing what lovely melodies my fingers would discover.
My writing is different on piano than guitar and one such tune is “I Love Your Name.” Actually, this seed was planted when I picked David Wilkerson’s book Knowing God by Name. Next to the Bible & On Prayer & Spiritual Warfare by Charles Spurgeon, it’s my favorite book. Mr. Wilkerson introduces us to 25 of the Hebrew names of God, each describing a facet of His character & how they were revealed to His people, when they needed it most. Really encouraging book if you’re looking for a great read…along with a new one coming out soon….more on that shortly. Back to the song…after reading the book, in the back of my mind, I tucked away the thought, someday…yeah, someday, I’m going to write a song about the names of God. The thought remained dormant for over a year, then one day, in the shower…washing my hair, bubbles, lots & lots of bubbles, it came to me! Great acoustics in the shower by the way! The whole first verse was complete in my head, then before I could rinse & condition, the 2nd verse flowed off my tongue! Definitely had to write this down! Turning off the water, wrapped in a towel, bubbles trailing behind me, I scrambled to my piano…to Roddy’s confusion, and wrote down “I Love Your Name” in about 5 minutes. Melody, lyrics and my interesting piano accompaniment.
Whenever I sing this one, it’s like an intimate connection with the Spirit of God…you can almost feel His breath, breathing life into this powerful prayer. It’s been such a blessing to me, in so many ways, and I pray it will speak to your heart…find a quiet place, close your eyes and let Christ speak to you through this song, I believe was born of, most certainly not of me alone, but by inspiration from David’s book, the Bible and the Lord Himself.
I Believe was another song that spilled out in a few moments. It started with the guitar vamp on E, then before I knew it, there was the song on paper. This process was so completely different from anything I’d learned in Nashville about crafting a song. I wasn’t looking for a hook, or even trying to find clever rhymes, I just showed up and the Lord did the rest. Considering I was still struggling with my vocal limitations, this was a great gift!
On True North, I had actually written this song with secular lyrics, and loved the epic sway of the lyric through the melody, but I came to the realization…I spent so many years trying to write something, when I had nothing to say…well, nothing important anyway. This melody, and the title went back to the drawing board…and shortly after…a good few weeks went into crafting what you hear now. Then came the recording process. How I struggled to record the lovely, pristine vocals I heard in my head…but this flawed offering, I am reminded, is sufficient…and as it comes from the heart, is like the Widow’s mite…in the darkest of storms, when the seas are raging and we fear our vessel is about to go under, the maker of the waves calms them with a Word. Be Still…and know that Jesus is with you!
May these songs, especially, “I Love Your Name,” “True North,” “I Believe,” and “The Plan” be a starting point to a personal journey with the one who loves you so very dearly! His name is Jesus and He’s waiting to spend a glorious eternity with you! Fear not, this is the epic journey of a lifetime…
Mixed & mastered by John Blanche